Saturday, May 12, 2012

Day 10
Many of you have been asking what Leanne's prognosis is. Is she going to walk again or talk again, or even recover fully? The bottom line is we don't know. Everything looks hopeful. The fact that shes improving every day is a positive sign. That she's ready to go to a rehab center already is impressive. Ultimately only God really knows, and we'll accept what He gives us with gratitude. But the doctors and nurses are very positive about the outcome. As one nurse said, "Our goal is to get her back on piano." And for those of you who know her well, you know that's probably her goal as well. She's the determined type, and that can only help. It will be a long road for all of us, but knowing we're not alone because we are believers, and because of the support from all our family and friends, we know it will not be an impossible journey. Instead it will be a journey on which we're carried the whole way through, and not on our own strength.


  1. Amen to that! Hope you have a good day, Leanne, and that your parents can give you a good report as they check out the rehab centre in Toronto.

    This young man was elated when he turned eighteen in a state where curfew is 11:00 p.m. for any one under seventeen years of age. He told his Dad how happy he was that now he could stay out until 3:00 a.m. if he wanted.
    “Yes you can stay out as late as you want, but the car is under seventeen and it has to be in the garage by eleven,” his father said.

  2. Have been following this blog every day. Thank you for taking the time to keep us up-to-date.

    Knowing Leanne to be the quiet, determined young lady that she is, she will probably work very hard to reach and exceed her goals. There may be very difficult days ahead of her, but with patience and persistence, she can hopefully completely recover.

    Leanne, you will not be able to do this in your own strength. Lean on the Lord, dear girl, and trust Him to give you what you need. And we out here will all do our part to remember you in our prayers constantly, and ask the Lord to help you mightily.

    Also hugs for Clarence and Diane, as you walk down this difficult path together with Leanne. Wishing you also patience and strength, and everything else you need to juggle Leanne's needs with those of the rest of your family. Go in the dtrength of the Lord!!

    With warm greetings to my choir buddy,
    Thea Heyink

  3. As we go to church tomorrow and also remember Mother's Day we are thinking of your family since you are seperated due to Leanne's situation. We all count our blessings but realize that this can happen to anyone at any time. So we pray for your family each day that God will give strenghth and comfort as you go through this trial but we know that in the end it will strenghthen our faith in Him. Have a blessed Lord's Day.
    aunt Liz

  4. Thanks a lot for the updates and for answering some of our questions. We pray that God will give each and everyone of you the strength, wisdom and patience you need as you continue down this road. There will be moments of intense thanks and moments of frustration (sometimes very intense frustration, I am sure). We pray that the moments of thanks will be many and the moments of frustration few.

  5. Though it's not easy -- what is written above is wonderful news, and we'll continue to pray for improvement upon improvement....
    Henry and Fiena

  6. we bidden voor jullie als familie en hopen dat in Toronto de verbetering van Leanne's toestand voorspoedig mag verlopen. Heel veel sterkte toegewenst van jullie kennissen uit Holland. Vier jaar geleden te gast bij opa en oma Jaap en Janny.
    Wij volgen de gebeurtenissen elke dag op jullie blog.
    Albert en Tea Sijnstra.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. How awesome is the communion of saints for us. Leanne, what wonderful news it is for you, that you are doing so well, so quickly. May our Heavenly Father continue to give you and your parents the strength to face the tasks of each day, even though some days will seem very slow, and others will be overcome by leaps and bounds.

    Praying for continued healing,
    Willie and Nettie Van Dyk

  9. Just a note to let you know that we have been praying here in Alberta for good medical care and a good recovery. We are thankful to hear about the progress so far. The Great Physician is at work!
    Love and greetings,
    Uncle Peter & Aunt Lorraine
    St Albert, AB

  10. Tina RavensbergenMay 14, 2012 at 4:45 AM

    My prayers are for your healing and also that in your situation, our God receives all honour and glory. May you continue to receive strength and improvement as all of you put your trust in Him.

    All my love,
    Tante Tina
