Saturday, May 5, 2012

Day 3

Thank you everyone for your overwhelming response. It's one thing to know our church family but entirely amazingly to see how worldwide it is. And to find out how many are praying for her is very humbling because we realize it\s not only our prayers that are going up. Leanne received an iPad for my birthday (how is that even fair-now I still have to share it!) in the hope that she could use it to communicate with us since she can't speak. Yesterday morning she was not able to type anything that made sense but last night she was able to type in her name to get into her gmail. Very exciting! She spent a long time reading her many emails and responses to this blog. I think it was rather overwhelming for her, but she needed to see that she's not alone in this. She had some of her best friends over yesterday and I know that it meant a lot to her. The nurses were amazed at the support we've been getting, but finally had to put a bit of a stop to it because she was too tired. So if you stop by there is a chance you will not be able to see her, but if you don't mind putting up with me (Diana) your visit will not be wasted :) I'm expecting someone shortly so I'll write a better update a little later. Diana


  1. Good Morning Diana and Leanne!! i'm glad you can message us from there now. Have a good day!
    Phil 4:12 "I can do anything through Him who gives me strength!" Hugs!

  2. So great to hear such that positive steps are happening. Great that you are now becoming computer literate as we eagerly await your updates. Continuing in prayer for all of you, love the Boerema family

  3. Praying continually for all of you!! Praying that you receive the strength and the peace that God is in control. Please keep us updated as we eagerly await any news! It also helps us the know what to pray for :) Sending hugs your way! Hopefully we will see you soon as Corissa needs to see for herself that Leanne is indeed in the Lord's hands :)

    Gord and Gelinda Vanwoudenberg

  4. Hi,
    We love you Leanne, and we're praying for all of you! "Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go" Josh 1:9
    Annemarie Vandergriendt
    ps - I want to be an OT, but not for you! ;)

  5. Thinking of you Leanne during this very difficult time. Know that we pray for you every day that you may regain your strength. Remember our Heavenly Father loves you very much and will never leave you. He knows your every need . Lord"s Day 1. With all our love Brian and Erna and Family.

  6. We love you Leanne! We've tried to see you twice but at this point sleep is more important to you than seeing aunts and cousins :) so we will try again in a couple of days. Keep smiling for mom and dad! They love to see your smile! We hope to see it too! Love Aunt Chris Uncle Albert Julianna, Calvin, Ian, Alannah, and Katriene.

  7. Good to hear some improvement again. Typing your own name literally has opened up a whole world for you. Keep it up! I am holding off for now but really want to come and see you. For now I will make do with Anika's report. When I heard the news at first, guess what went through my mind? Wow! It's amazing what that girl will do to get an ipad. haha. We will all keep praying for you all. Love from, Aunty Kay

  8. janelleoosterhoffMay 5, 2012 at 2:18 PM

    we ALL miss u......
    even the people in the bank asked how u were!

  9. Thinking and praying for you Leanne and your family. Jan & Jacqueline Groen. Hugs from Dane and Reanne.

  10. Dear Leanna, Clarence, Diana and family:
    Just wanted to let you know that each of you, as well as the medical community caring for Leanne are in our thoughts and prayers. May the Lord grant healing, strength, courage and trust in His never-failing promises.
    Tim and Elly Hutten and family
    For i, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, "Fear not, I will help you."
    Isaiah 41:13

  11. Hi Leanne! My whole family is praying for you and many of my friends at this point.
    "Those who trust in the Lord are like mount zion which cannot be shaken but endures forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem so the Lord surrounds his people both now and forever more." Psalm 125:1-2
    You are such a Godly woman, God will never leave you nor forsake you <3 Be strong and courageous sweetheart. The communion of the saints is standing behind you! -Christa VanderVelde

  12. Dearest Leanne Our hearts and thoughts are with you during the day. Anika was working in the deli and she looked at me and mouthed the words "I miss Leanne" You are so near to us and though you may not realize it, we pray for you all continually. So many people who lift you up to our Gracious God. May he give you much patience and peace.
    With so much Love

  13. Bill and Liz OostdykMay 5, 2012 at 6:45 PM

    Dear Leanne and family,

    You are in our thoughts and prayers. We know God is able to heal and will work through the doctors and nurses who care for you. Take courage and know you are in His hands!

  14. we are praying for you all, for strength and patience now as well as healing from our heavenly Father. may God give you all you need!

  15. Leanne,
    You are making big big steps already! This is awesome news!! I don't doubt for a minute that you won't make a full recovery. (My mom had a stoke and I've read a lot about strokes.) The physio is of utmost importance ... but be patient with yourself. :)
    God Bless You Leanne.
    Leslie Polci
